Hafa Adai!
Welcome to Mrs. Maria Christina E. Año's 3rd Grade Student Teaching blog. My blog will will give you an insight on the different lessons, activities, teaching strategies, and classroom management techniques that I have used during my 80 days of student teaching. Have fun viewing my blog and keep in mind that "a teacher affects eternity: he can never tell where his influence stops"(Henry Adams).
1.Jeopardy – These activities can be easily be created by the teacher to review what the students have learned from the lessons and also as a culminating activity at the end of a unit. Examples: Map Skills Jeopardy, Rounding Jeopardy, Rocks, Minerals and Fossils Jeopardy, Charlotte’s Web Jeopardy.
2.PowerPoint Presentations – This is a very useful way of presenting ideas or lessons to the class.A very good attention grabber for those who lose focus very fast.The teacher can use his or her creativity to showcase the information that he or she wants to relay to the class. Examples of PowerPoint lessons we had for this semester are The 3 Branches of Government, Charlottes's Web, James and the Giant Peach, Rocks-Minerals-Fossils, Rounding, and Place Value.
* The students enjoying one of our James & the Giant Peach presentations after a chapter read-aloud.
3.Overhead & LCD Projectors – We used the overhead projector when working on our Daily Oral Language or D.O.L. The LCD was used when watching PowerPoint Presentations or lessons and for Jeopardies.
4.CD Player & Speaker/Amplifier – We use the CD player whenever we have indoor P.E., and for Language Arts Reading time.Before the students take a test on the story that they have read for the week, they will first listen to the story the day before the test using the Audio CD containing the story.This was a very useful tool especially for our special needs student because she prefers to listen to the story on CD.
I am a 3rd Grade Classroom Teacher from Oleai Elementary School. I have been teaching in this grade level since I embarked in this field 6 years ago. I am a part of the Educational Technology Cohort 2, where we are taught how to integrate technology in our lessons.
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